Haiping Xia
    Haiping Xia

    Haiping Xia obtained his B.S. in chemistry in 1983, M.S. in 1986, and Ph.D. in 2002 from Xiamen University. He started to work at Xiamen University in 1986 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1991, and Professor in 1999. His research focuses on the synthesis, reactivity, and applications of metalla-aromatics.

    Honors and Awards

    The State Natural Science Award (the First Prize, 2020, the First Accomplisher)

    Natural Science Award of Fujian Province(The First Prize, 2018, the First Accomplisher) 

    The Huang Yao-Zeng Organometallic Chemistry Award of the Chinese Chemical Society in 2016 (Organometallics 2017, 36, 245)

    Carbolong Complexes was elected as one of the “Ten Major Scientific and Technological Progress of China's Colleges and Universities” in 2013

    “MinJiang Distinguished Professor” in 2010

    Received the National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar of China in 2009

    “New Century Excellent Talents in University” Program by the Ministry of Education in 2004

    The 7th Fujian “Youth Science and Technology Award” in 2004

    The “Young Chemist Award of Chinese Chemical Society at the 60th anniversary of the founding of Chinese Chemical Society” in 1992

    Academic Services

    Professor in college of chemistry and chemical engineering at Xiamen University

    Vice chairman of Fujian Provincial Chemical Society

    Member of academic committee of the State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry

    Member of the Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai Institute of

    Organic Chemistry

    Member of the Physical Organic Chemistry of the Chinese Chemical Society.

    Haiping Xia has published more than 180 peer-reviewed articles, and some of them have been highlighted by science media such as “Science”, “Science Shot”, “Science Daily”, “Nature Chemistry”, “Nature China”, ACS “C&E News”, ACS “Heart Cut”, ACS “Noteworthy Chemistry”, RSC “Chemistry World”, “World of Chemicals” for more than 20 times. In 2014, Prof. Xia was interviewed by the Author Profile column of Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

    Contact me:

    Email: hpxia@xmu.edu.cn

    Selected Recent Publications:

    109. Luo, M.; Hua, Y.; Zhuo, K.; Long, L.; Lin, X.; Deng, Z.; Lin, Z.; Zhang, H.; Chen, D.; Xia, H.* Carbolong Chemistry: Planar CCCCX-Type (X = N, O, S) Pentadentate Chelates by Formal [3+1] Cycloadditions of Metalla-Azirines with Terminal Alkynes. CCS Chemistry 2020, 2, 758-763.

    108. Luo, M.; Sui, Y.; Lin, X.; Zhu, C.; Yan, Z.; Ruan, Y.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* [3+2] Cycloaddition Reaction of Metallacyclopropene with Nitrosonium Ion: Isolation of Aromatic Metallaisoxazole. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 6806 - 6809.

    107. Tang, C.; Zheng, J.; Ye, Y.; Liu, J.; Chen, L.; Yan, Z.; Chen, Z.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.; Bai, J.; Chen, Z.; Shi, J.; Xia, H.;* Hong, W.* Electric-Field-Induced Connectivity Switching in Single-Molecule Junctions. iScience 2020, 23, 100770.

    106. Chen, Y.;† Yang, L.;† Zheng, W.; Ouyang, P.; Zhang, H.; Ruan, Y.; Weng, W.;He, X.;Xia, H.Dynamic Polymer Network System Mediated by Radically Exchangeable Covalent Bond and Carbolong Complex. ACS Macro Lett. 20209, 344-349.(Chen and Yang contributed equally to this work.)

    105. Lu, Z.;† Zhu, Q.;† Cai, Y.; Chen, Z.; Zhuo, K.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, H.;Xia, H.Access to Tetracyclic Aromatics with Bridgehead Metals via Metalla-click Reactions. Sci. Adv. 20206, eaay2535.(Lu and Zhu contributed equally to this work.)

    104. Meng, S.; Zhang, M.; Yao, M.;Qiu, Z.; Hong, Y.; Lan, W.; Xia, H.; Jin, X. Membrane Fouling and Performance of Flat Ceramic Membranes in the Application of Drinking Water Purification. Water 201911, 2606.

    103. Zhuo, Q.;† Zhang, H.;† Ding, L.; Lin, J.; Zhou, X.; Hua, Y.; Zhu, J.; Xia, H.Rhodapentalenes: Pincer Complexes with Internal Aromaticity. iScience 2019191214-1224.(Zhuo and Zhang contributed equally to this work.)

    102. Luo, M.; Deng, Z.; Ruan, Y.; Cai, Y.; Zhuo, K.; Zhang, H.;Xia, H. Reactions of Metallacyclopentadiene with Terminal Alkynes: Isolation and Characterization of Metallafulvenallene Complexes. Organometallics 201938, 3053-3059.(ACS Editors’ Choice)

    101. Huang, X.;† Tang, C.;† Li, J.;† Chen, L.-C.;† Zheng, J.; Zhang, P.; Le, J.; Li, R.; Li, X.; Liu, J.;Yang, Y.; Shi, J.; Chen, Z.; Bai, M.; Zhang, H. L.; Xia, H.; Cheng, J.;Tian, Z. Q.; Hong, W.Electric Field-induced Selective Catalysis of Single-Molecule Reaction. Sci. Adv. 20195, eaaw3072.(Huang, Tang, Li and Chen contributed equally to this work.)

    100. Tang, C.; Chen, L.; Zhang, L.; Chen, Z.; Li, G.; Yan, Z.; Lin, L.; Liu, J.; Huang, L.; Ye, Y.; Hua, Y.; Shi, J.; Xia, H.;Hong, W.Multicenter-Bond-Based Quantum Interference in Charge Transport Through Single-Molecule Carborane Junctions. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201958, 10601-10605.

    99. Chen, Z.;† Chen, L.;† Liu, J.; Li, R.; Tang, C.; Hua, Y.; Chen, L.; Shi, J.; Yang, Y.; Liu, J.; Zheng, J.; Chen, L.; Cao, J.; Chen, H.; Xia, H.;Hong, W.Modularized Tuning of Charge Transport through Highly Twisted and Localized Single-Molecule Junctions. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 201910, 3453-3458.(Chen, Z.; and Chen, L. contributed equally to this work.)

    98. Wu, F.; Huang, W.; Zhuo, K.; Hua, Y.; Lin, J.; He, G.;* Chen, J.; Nie, L.;* Xia, H.* Carbolong Complexes as Photothermal Materials. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 201939, 1743-1752.

    97. Deng, Z.; Zhu, C.; Hua, Y.; He, G.; Guo, Y.; Lu, R.; Cao, X.; Chen, J.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of Metallapentalenoxazetes from the [2+2] Cycloaddition of Metallapentalynes with Nitrosoarenes. Chem. Commun201955, 6237-6240.

    96. Lin, J.; Ding, L.; Zhuo, Q.; Zhang, H.;Xia, H.* Formal [2+2+2] Cycloaddition Reaction of a Metal–Carbyne Complex with Nitriles: Synthesis of a Metallapyrazine Complex. Organometallics 201925, 5077-5085.

    95. Zhou, X.; Pang, X.; Nie, L.; Zhu, C.; Zhuo, K.; Zhuo, Q.; Chen, Z.; Liu, G.; Zhang, H.;* Lin, Z.; Xia, H. Successive Modification of Polydentate Complexes Gives Access to Planar Carbon- and Nitrogen-based Ligands. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 1488.

    94. Li, J.; Lin, Y. M.;* Zhang, H.; Chen, Y.; Lin, Z.; Xia, H.* Access to Metal-Bridged Osmathiazine Derivatives by a Formal [4+2] Cyclization. Chem. - Eur. J. 201925, 5077-5085.

    93. Zhang, H.;† Zhao, H.;† Zhuo, K.; Hua, Y.; Chen, J.; He, X.;* Weng, W.;* Xia, H.* "Carbolong" Polymers with Near Infrared Triggered, Spatially Resolved and Rapid Self-Healing Properties. Polym. Chem. 2019, 10, 386-394.(†Zhang and Zhao contributed equally to this work.)

    92. Li, J.; Kang, H.; Zhuo, K.; Zhuo, Q.; Zhang, H.; Lin, Y.-M.;* Xia, H.* Alternation of Metal-Bridged Metallacycle Skeletons: From Ruthenapentalyne to Ruthenapentalene and Ruthenaindene Derivative. Chin. J. Chem. 2018, 36, 1156-1160.

    91. Chen, Z.;† Wang, T.;† Sun, T.; Chen, Z.; Sheng, T.; Hong, Y.-H.; Nan, Z.-A.; Zhu, J.; Zhou, Z.-Y.;Xia, H.;Sun, S.-G. Nickel Complexes with Non-innocent Ligands as Highly Active Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution. Chin. J. Chem. 2018, 36, 1161-1164.(†Chen and Wang contributed equally to this work.)

    90. Lu, Z.;† Lin, Q.;† Cai, Y.; Chen, S.; Chen, J.;* Wu, W.; He, X.;* Xia, H.* Cylindrical Nir-Responsive Metallopolymer Containing Möbius Metalla-Aromatics. ACS Macro Lett. 2018, 7, 1034-1038.(†Lu and Lin contributed equally to this work.)

    89. Hua, Y.; Lan, Q.; Fei, J.; Tang, C.; Lin, J.; Zha, H.; Chen, S.; Lu, Y.; Chen, J.;* He, X.;* Xia, H. Metallapentalenofuran: Shifting Metallafuran Rings Promoted by Substituent Effects. Chem. - Eur. J. 201824, 14531-14538.

    88. Zhuo, Q.;† Zhang, H.;† Hua, Y.; Kang, H.; Zhou, X.; Lin, X.; Chen, Z.; Lin, J.; Zhuo, K.; Xia, H.* Constraint of a Ruthenium-Carbon Triple Bond to a Five-Membered Ring. Sci. Adv. 2018, 4 (6), eaat0336.(†Zhuo and Zhang contributed equally to this work.)

    87. Zhu, C.; Xia, H.Carbolong Chemistry: A Story of Carbon Chain Ligands and Transition Metals. Acc. Chem. Res201851, 1691-1700.

    86. Zhou, X.; Li, Y.; Shao, Y.; Hua, Y.; Zhang, H.; Lin, Y.-M.;* Xia, H.Reactions of Cyclic Osmacarbyne with Coinage Metal Complexes. Organometallics 2018, 37, 1788-1794.

    85. Lin, Q.;† Li, S.;† Lin, J.;† Chen, M.; Lu, Z.; Tang, C.; Chen, Z.; He, X.; Chen, J.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of Photothermal Osmium Carbolong Complexes. Chem. - Eur. J. 2018, 24, 8375-8381.(Lin, Q., Li, S. and Lin, J. contributed equally to this work.)

    84. Zhou, X.; Huang, F.; Tang, C.; Zhuo, Q.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H. A Missing Member of Conjugated N-Heterocycles: Realizing Pyrido[1,2-Α]azepine by Reacting Ruthenium Alkenylcarbene Complex with Alkyne. Chem. Commun. 201854, 4009-4012.

    83. Wang, T.;† Chen, Z.-X.;† Chen, Y.-G.; Yang, L.-J.; Yang, X.-D.; Ye, J.-Y.; Xia, H.-P.; Zhou, Z.-Y.;* Sun, S.-G. Identifying the Active Site of N-Doped Graphene for Oxygen Reduction by Selective Chemical Modification. ACS Energy Lett. 20183, 986-991.(Wang and Chen contributed equally to this work.)

    82. Wang, T.;† Chen, Z.-X.;† Yu, S.; Sheng, T.; Ma, H.-B.; Chen, L.-N.; Rauf, M.; Xia, H.-P.; Zhou, Z.-Y.;* Sun, S.-G. Constructing Canopy-Shaped Molecular Architectures to Create Local Pt Surface Sites with High Tolerance to H2S and CO for Hydrogen Electrooxidation. Energy Environ. Sci. 201811, 166-171.(Wang and Chen contributed equally to this work.)

    81. Lu, Z.; Cai, Y.; Wei, Y; Lin, Q.; Chen, J.;* He, X.; Li, S.; Wu, W.; Xia, H.* Photothermal Möbius Aromatic Metallapentalenofuran and Its NIR-Responsive Copolymer. Polym. Chem. 20189, 2092-2100. (Cover Paper)

    80. Chen, J.;* Lin, Q.; Li, S.; Lu, Z; Lin, J.; Chen, Z.; Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of an Osmapentalene Derivative Containing a β-Agostic Os···H–C(sp3) Interaction. Organometallics 201837, 618-623.

    79. Zhu, C.; Zhu, J.; Zhou, X.; Zhu, Q.; Yang, Y.; Wen, T. B.; Xia, H.* Isolation of an Eleven‐Atom Polydentate Carbon‐Chain Chelate Obtained by Cycloaddition of a Cyclic Osmium Carbyne with an Alkyne. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201857, 3154-3157. (VIP Paper) 

    78. Zhou, X.; Zhang, H.* Reactions of Metal-Carbon Bonds within Six-Membered Metallaaromatic Rings. Chem. - Eur. J. 201824, 8962-8973.

    77. Hua, Y.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Aromaticity: History and Development. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 201838, 11-28.

    76. Wang, H.;† Zhou, X.;† Xia, H.* Metallaaromatics Containing Main‐Group Heteroatoms. Chin. J. Chem. 201836, 93-105.(†Wang and Zhou contributed equally to this work.)

    75. Zhou, X.; Wu, J.; Hao, Y.; Zhu, C.; Zhuo, Q.; Xia, H.;* Zhu, J.* Rational Design and Synthesis of Unsaturated Se-Containing Osmacycles with σ-Aromaticity. Chem. - Eur. J. 201824, 2389-2395. (Cover Paper) 

    74. Yang, C.;† Lin, G.;† Zhu, C.;† Pang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, X.; Li, X.; Wang, B.;* Xia, H.;* Liu, G.* Metalla-Aromatic Loaded Magnetic Nanoparticles for MRI/Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Cancer Phototherapy. J. Mater. Chem. B 20186, 2528-2535. (Frontispiece Paper)(†Yang, Lin and Zhu contributed equally to this work.)

    73. Huang, J.; Zhou, X.; Zhao, Q.; Li, S.; Xia, H.* Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties of 4,5-Diazafluoren-9-yl or Fluoren-9-yl Terminated Homobimetallic Ruthenium and Osmium Allenylidene, Alkynyl-Allenylidene Complexes. Chin. J. Chem. 2017, 35, 420-428.

    72. Zhuo, Q.; Lin, J.; Hua, Y.; Zhou, X.; Shao, Y.; Chen, S.; Chen, Z.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, H.; Xia, H.* Multiyne Chains Chelating Osmium via Three Metalcarbon σ Bonds. Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 1912.

    71. Huang, Z.-A.; Lan, Q.; Hua, Y.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, H.;* Lin, Z.; Xia, H. Color-Tuning Strategy for Iridapolycycles [(N∧N)Ir(C∧C)ClPPh3]by the Synergistic Modifications on Both the C∧C and N∧N Units. Organometallics 201736, 4802–4809.

    70. Long, L.; Zhou, X.; Wang, T.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis of Imidazopyridinium-Fused Metallacycloallene via One-Pot Reaction of η2-Alkynol-Coordinated Osmacycle with 2-Aminopyridine. Organometallics 2017, 36, 4184−4190.

    69. Li, R.;† Lu, Z.;† Cai, Y.; Jiang, F.; Tang, C.; Chen, Z.; Zheng, J.; Pi, J.; Zhang, R.; Liu, J.; Chen, Z.; Yang, Y.; Shi, J.; Hong, W.;* Xia, H.* Switching of Charge Transport Pathways via Delocalization Changes in Single-Molecule Metallacycles Junctions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017139, 14344-14347. (Inside Cover Paper)(Li and Lu contributed equally to this work.)

    68. He, X.;* He, X.; Li, S.; Zhuo, K.; Qin, W.; Dong, S.; Chen, J.; Ren, L.; Liu, G.; Xia, H.* Amphipathic Metal-containing Macromolecules with Photothermal Properties. Polym. Chem. 20178, 3674-3678.(Inside Cover Paper)

    67. Zhu, C.; Wu, J.; Li, S.; Yang, Y.; Zhu, J.; Lu, X.; Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of a Metallacyclic Framework with Three Fused Five-Membered Rings. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201756, 9067-9071.

    66. Lu, Z.; Chen, J.; Xia, H.* Synthesis of Olefinic Carbolong Complexes. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 201737, 1181-1188.

    65. Lu, Z.;† Zhu, C.;† Cai, Y.; Zhu, J.; Hua, Y.; Chen, Z.; Chen, J.;* Xia, H.* Metallapentalenofurans and Lactone-Fused Metallapentalynes. Chem. - Eur. J. 201723, 6426-6431.(†Lu and Zhu contributed equally to this work.)

    64. Luo, M.; Long, L.; Zhang, H.;* Yang, Y.; Hua, Y.; Liu, G.; Lin, Z.;* Xia, H.* Reactions of Isocyanides with Metal Carbyne Complexes: Isolation and Characterization of Metallacyclopropenimine Intermediates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017,139, 1822-1825.

    63. Zhu, Q.; Zhu, C.; Deng, Z.; He, G.;* Chen, J.; Zhu, J.; Xia, H.Synthesis and Characterization of Osmium Polycyclic Aromatic Complexes via Nucleophilic Reactions of OsmapentalyneChin. J. Chem. 201735, 628-634.

    62. Zhu, C.;† Yang, C.;† Wang, Y.; Lin, G.; Yang, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhu, J.; Chen, X.; Lu, X.;* Liu, G.;* Xia, H.* CCCCC Pentadentate Chelates with Planar Möbius Aromaticity and Unique Properties. Sci. Adv. 2016, 2, e1601031.(†Zhu and Yang contributed equally to this work.) This article has been highlighted by: C & ENPhysOrgNSFC.

    61. Chen, J.;† Huang, Z.-A.;† Lu, Z.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis of Cyclic Vinylidene Complexes and Azavinylidene Complexes by Formal [4+2] Cyclization Reactions. Chem. - Eur. J. 2016, 22, 5363-5375.(Chen and Huang contributed equally to this work.)

    60. Zhuo, Q.; Zhou, X.; Kang, H.; Chen, Z.; Yang, Y.; Han, F.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis of Fused Metallaaromatics via Intramolecular C−H Activation of Thiophenes. Organometallics 2016, 35, 1497-1504.

    59. Zhuo, Q.;† Chen, Z.;† Yang, Y.; Zhou, X.; Han, F.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis of Aromatic Ruthenabenzothiophenes via C–H Activation of Thiophenes. Dalton Trans. 201645, 913-917.(Zhuo and Chen contributed equally to this work.)

    58. Luo, M.; Zhu, C.; Chen, L.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Halogenation of Carbyne Complexes: Isolation of Unsaturated Metallaiodirenium Ion and Metallabromirenium Ion. Chem. Sci. 20167, 1815-1818.

    57. Xu, H.;† Huang, Z.-A.;† Guo, X.; Yang, Y.; Hua, Y.; Cao, Z.; Li, S.;* Xia, H.* Sequential Construction Strategy for Rational Design of Luminescent Iridacycles. Organometallics 201534, 4229-4237.(†Xu and Huang contributed equally to this work.)

    56. Zhou, X.; He, X.; Lin, J.; Zhuo, Q.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, H.;* Wang, J.; Xia, H.* Reactions of Osmium Hydrido Alkenylcarbyne with Allenoates: Insertion and [3 + 2] Annulation. Organometallics 201534, 1742-1750.

    55. Zhu, C.; Yang, Y.; Wu, J.; Luo, M.; Fan, J.; Zhu, J.;* Xia, H.* Five-Membered Cyclic Metal Carbyne: Synthesis of Osmapentalynes by the Reactions of Osmapentalene with Allene, Alkyne, and Alkene. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201554, 7189-7192.

    54. Wang, T.; Han, F.; Huang, H.; Li, J.; Zhang, H.;* Zhu, J.; Lin, Z.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis of Aromatic Aza-metallapentalenes from Metallabenzene via Sequential Ring Contraction/Annulation. Sci. Rep. 20155, 9584.

    53. Wei, Y.; Zhou, X.; Hong, G.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Reactions of Osmapyridinium with Terminal Alkynes. Org. Chem. Front. 2015, 2, 560-568.

    52. Zhu, C.; Yang, Y.; Luo, M.; Yang, C.; Wu, J.; Chen, L.; Liu, G.; Wen, T.; Zhu, J.;* Xia, H.* Stabilizing Two Classical Antiaromatic Frameworks: Demonstration of Photoacoustic Imaging and the Photothermal Effect in Metalla-aromatics. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201554, 6181-6185.

    51. Xu, H.; Xu, Y.; Pang, X.; He, Y.; Jung, J.; Xia, H.;* Lin, Z.* A General Route to Nanocrystal Kebabs Periodically Assembled on Stretched Flexible Polymer Shish. Sci. Adv. 20151, e1500025.
    This article has been highlighted by: ScienceshotSciencesGeorgia Institute of TechnologyPhysOrgScienceDailyNanowerkWorld of ChemicalsNanotechnology NowPinterestFnewsNano DailyTrendsSoul.

    50. Xu, H.; Pang, X.; He, Y.; He, M.; Jung, J.; Xia, H.;* Lin, Z.* An Unconventional Route to Monodisperse and Intimately Contacted Semiconducting Organic–Inorganic Nanocomposites. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201554, 4636-4640.(Inside Cover)

    49. Zhu, C.; Zhou, X.; Xing, H.; An, K.; Zhu, J.;* Xia, H.* σ-Aromaticity in an Unsaturated Ring: Osmapentalene Derivatives Containing a Metallacyclopropene Unit. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201554, 3102-3106.

    48. Han, F.; Li, J.; Zhang, H.;* Wang, T.; Lin, Z.;* Xia, H.* Reactions of Osmabenzene with Silver/Copper Acetylides: From Metallabenzene to Benzene. Chem. - Eur. J. 201521, 565-567.

    47. Chen, J.;† Huang, Z.-A.;† Hua, Y.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H. Synthesis of Five-Membered Osmacycles with Osmium–Vinyl Bonds from Hydrido Alkenylcarbyne Complexes. Organometallics 201534, 340-347.(†Chen and Huang contributed equally to this work.)

    46. Lin, Z.;* Zhu, C.; Xia, H. HRMS Studies on the Fragmentation Pathways of Metallapentalyne. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 2015136, 906-910.

    45.  Wang, X.; Zhu, C.; Xia, H.;* Zhu, J.Theoretical Study on the Stability and Aromaticity of Metallasilapentalynes. Organometallics 201433, 1845-1850.

    44. Han, F.; Wang, T.; Li, J.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, L.; He, X.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of an Osmacyclopentene Complex. Organometallics 201433, 5301-5307.

    43. Zhang, H.;* Lin, R.; Li, J.; Zhu, J.; Xia, H. Interconversion between Ruthenacyclohexadiene and Ruthenabenzene: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study. Organometallics 201433, 5606-5609.

    42. Zhou, X.; Zhang, C.; Lin, Y.; He, X.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, J.; Xia, H.* 1,2-Migration in the Reactions of Ruthenium Vinylcarbene with Propargyl Alcohols. Org. Chem. Front. 20141, 1077-1082.

    41. Zhuo, Q.; Wang, T.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, H.* Progresses of Ring Expansion Reaction of Small Transitional Metallacyclic Compounds. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2014341471-1486.

    40. Han, F.; Wang, T.; Li, J.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* m-Metallaphenol: Synthesis and Reactivity Studies. Chem. - Eur. J. 201420, 4363-4372.(Cover Paper)

    39. Zhu, C.; Zhu, Q.; Fan, J.; Zhu, J.; He, X.; Cao, X.-Y.;* Xia, H.* A Metal-Bridged Tricyclic Aromatic System: Synthesis of Osmium Polycyclic Aromatic Complexes. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014,53, 6232-6236.

    38. Zhu, C.; Luo, M.; Zhu, Q.; Zhu, J.;* Schleyer, P. v. R.; Wu, J. I.-C.; Lu, X.; Xia, H.* Planar Möbius Aromatic Pentalenes Incorporating 16 and 18 Valence Electron Osmiums. Nat. Commun. 20145, 3265.

    37. Cao, X.-Y.; Zhao, Q.; Lin, Z.;* Xia, H.* The Chemistry of Aromatic Osmacycles. Acc. Chem. Res. 201447, 341-354.

    36. Wang, T.; Zhu, J.; Han, F.; Zhou, C.; Chen, H.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis of Five‐Membered Osmacycloallenes and Conversion into Six‐Membered Osmacycloallenes. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 13361-13364.

    35. Wang, T.;† Zhang, H.;† Han, F.; Long, L.; Lin, Z.;* Xia, H.* Key Intermediates of Iodine-Mediated Electrophilic Cyclization: Isolation and Characterization. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201352, 9251-9255.(†Wang and Zhang contributed equally to this work.)

    34. Zhu, C.; Li, S.; Luo, M.; Zhou, X.; Niu, Y.; Lin, M.; Zhu, J.;* Cao, Z.; Lu, X.; Wen, T.; Xie, Z.; Schleyer, P. v. R.; Xia, H.Stabilization of Anti-aromatic and Strained Five-Membered Rings with a Transition Metal. Nat. Chem. 20135, 698–703. This article has been highlighted by: ACS "Noteworthy Chemistry", Nature Chemistry, Nature China.

    33. Chen, J.; Zhang, C.; Xie, T.; Wen, T. B.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Conversion of a Hydrido–Butenylcarbyne Complex to η2-Allene-Coordinated Complexes and Metallabenzenes. Organometallics 201332, 3993-4001. 

    32. Zhang, C.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, L.; Wen, T. B.; He, X.;* Xia, H.Mechanistic Study of Indolizine Heterocycle Formation by Ruthenium(II)-Assisted Three-Component Cross-Coupling/Cyclization. Organometallics 201332, 3738-3743.

    31. Wang, T.;† Zhang, H.;† Han, F.; Long, L.; Lin, Z.;* Xia, H.* cine-Substitution Reactions of Metallabenzenes: An Experimental and Computational Study. Chem. - Eur. J. 201319, 10982-10991.(†Wang and Zhang contributed equally to this work.)

    30. Niu, Y.; Han, F.; Zhang, Q.; Xie, T.; Lu, L.; Li, S.;* Xia, H.Off/On Fluorescent Chemosensors for Organotin Halides Based on Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201352, 5599-5603.

    29. Zhu, C.; Cao, X.;* Xia, H.* Double Stabilization of Highly Strained Six-Membered Rings by Phosphonium and Transition Metal. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 201333, 657-662.(Invited and Cover Paper)

    28. Zhao, Q.; Cao, X.-Y.;* Wen, T. B.; Xia, H.From Osmium Hydrido Vinylidene to Osmacycles: The Key Role of Osmabutadiene Intermediates. Chem. - Asian J. 20138, 269-275.

    27. Wang, T.;† Zhang, H.;† Han, F.; Long, L.; Lin, Z.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of a Metallapyridyne Complex. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201251, 9838–9841. (†Wang and Zhang contributed equally to this work.)

    26. Zhao, Q.; Zhu, J.; Huang, Z.-A.; Cao, X.-Y.;* Xia, H.* Conversions of Osmabenzyne and Isoosmabenzene. Chem. - Eur. J. 201218, 11597-11603.(Inside Cover Paper)

    25. Lin, R.; Zhao, J.; Chen, H.; Zhang, H.;* Xia, H.* Interconversion of Metallabenzenes and Cyclic η2-Allene-Coordinated Complexes. Chem. - Asian J. 20127, 1915-1924.

    24. Zhao, Q.; Gong, L.; Xu, C.; Zhu, J.;* He, X.; Xia, H.* Stable Iso-osmabenzenes from a Formal [3+3] Cycloaddition Reaction of Metal Vinylidene with Alkynols. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201150, 1354–1358.

    23. Lin, R.; Zhang, H.;* Li, S.; Wang, J.; Xia, H.New Highly Stable Metallabenzenes via Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction. Chem. - Eur. J. 201117, 4223–4231.(Inside Cover Paper)

    22. Lin, R.; Zhang, H.; Li, S.;Chen, L.; Zhang, W.; Wen, T. B.; Zhang, H.; Xia, H.* pH-Switchable Inversion of the Metal-Centered Chirality of Metallabenzenes: Opposite Stereodynamics in Reactions of Ruthenabenzene with L- and D-Cysteine. Chem. - Eur. J. 201117, 2420–2427. This article has been highlighted by ACS "Noteworthy Chemistry". 

    21. Zhang, H.;* Lin, R.; Hong, G.; Wang, T.; Wen, T. B.; Xia, H.Nucleophilic Aromatic Addition Reactions of the Metallabenzenes and Metallapyridinium: Attacking Aromatic Metallacycles with Bis(diphenylphosphino)methane to Form Metallacyclohexadienes and Cyclic η2-Allene-Coordinated Complexes. Chem. - Eur. J. 201016, 6999–7007.

    20. He, X.; Gong, L.; Kräling, K.; Gründler, K.; Frias, C.; Webster, R. D.; Meggers, E.;* Prokop, A.;* Xia, H.* Unusual η2-Allene Osmacycle with Apoptotic Properties, ChemBioChem 201011, 1607-1613.

    19. Zhang, H.;* Lin, R.; Luo, M.; Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of Stable Osmafuran Starting from HC≡CCH(OH)C≡CH and OsHCl(CO)(PPh3)3. Sci. China: Chem. 201053, 1978–1981.

    18. He, X.-M.;* Liu, Q.; Gong, L.; Lin, Y.; Wen, T. B.* Synthesis of an Osmafuran from Photochemical Hydrolysis of OsCl2(CH=C(PPh3)C(O)-η2-CH=CH2)(PPh3)2. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 201013, 342–345.

    17. Huang, J.; Lin, R.; Wu, L.; Zhao, Q.; Zhu, C.; Wen, T. B.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Properties of Bisosmabenzenes Bridged by Diisocyanides. Organometallics 201029, 2916–2925.

    16. Lin, Y.; Xu, H.; Gong, L.; Wen, T. B.; He, X.-M.;* Xia, H.C-H Bond Activation and Subsequent C(sp(2))-C(sp(3)) Bond Formation: Coupling of Bromomethyl and Triphenylphosphine in an Iridium Complex. Organometallics 201029, 2904–2910.

    15. Liu, B.; Wang, H.; Xie, H.; Zeng, B.; Chen, J.; Tao, J.; Wen, T. B.; Cao, Z.; Xia, H.* Osmapyridine and Osmapyridinium from a Formal [4+2] Cycloaddition Reaction. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 200948, 5430–5434.(VIP and Frontispiece Paper ) This article has been highlighted by RSC "Chemistry Word". 

    14. Wang, T.; Li, S.; Zhang, H.; Lin, R.; Han, F.; Lin, Y.; Wen, T. B.; Xia, H.* Annulation of Metallabenzenes: From Osmabenzene to Osmabenzothiazole to Osmabenzoxazole. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 200948, 6453–6456.

    13. Liu, B.; Xie, H.; Wang, H.; Wu, L.; Zhao, Q.; Chen, J.; Wen, T. B.; Cao, Z.;* Xia, H.Selective Synthesis of Osmanaphthalene and Osmanaphthalyne by Intramolecular C-H Activation. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 200948, 5461–5464.

    12. Gong, L.; Chen, Z.; Lin, Y.; He, X.;* Wen, T. B.; Xu, X.; Xia, H.Osmabenzenes from Osmacycles Containing an η2-Coordinated Olefin. Chem. - Eur. J. 200915, 6258–6266.

    11. Zhang, H.; Wu, L.; Lin, R.; Zhao, Q.; He, G.; Yang, F.; Wen, T. B.; Xia, H.* Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties of Stable Osmabenzenes Containing PPh3 Substituents. Chem. - Eur. J. 200915, 3546–3559.

    10. Lin, Y.; Gong, L.; Xu, H.; He, X.; Wen, T. B.; Xia, H.* Nine-Membered Osmacycles Derived from Metathesis Reactions between Alkynes and an Osmafuran. Organometallics 200928, 1524–1533.

    9. Gong, L.; Lin, Y.; Wen, T. B.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis of Coordinated η2-α,β-Unsaturated Ketone Osmacycles from an Osmium-Coordinated Alkyne Alcohol Complex. Organometallics 200928, 1101–1111.

    8. Wu, L.; Feng, L.; Zhang, H.; Liu, Q.; He, X.; Yang, F.; Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Dialdehyde and Cyclic Anhydride. J. Org. Chem. 200873, 2883–2885.

    7. Gong, L.; Lin, Y.; Wen, T. B.; Zhang, H.; Zeng, B.; Xia, H.* Formation of Four Conjugated Osmacyclic Species in a One-Pot Reaction. Organometallics 200827, 2584–2589.

    6. Gong, L.; Lin, Y.; He, G.; Zhang, H.; Wang, H.; Wen, T. B.;* Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of an Air-Stable p-Osmaphenol. Organometallics 200827, 309–311.

    5. Gong, L.; Wu, L.; Lin, Y.; Zhang, H.; Yang, F.; Wen, T.; Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of a Bimetallic Iridium Complex with a Ten sp2-Carbon Chain Bridge. Dalton Trans. 2007, 4122–4125. (Hot Article)

    4. Zhang, H.; Feng, L.; Gong, L.; Wu, L.; He, G.; Wen, T.; Yang, F.; Xia, H.* Synthesis and Characterization of Stable Ruthenabenzenes Starting from HCCCH(OH)CCH. Organometallics 200726, 2705–2713.

    3. Zhang, H.; Xia, H.;* He, G.; Wen, T. B.; Gong, L.; Jia, G.* Synthesis and Characterization of Stable Ruthenabenzenes. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 200645, 2920–2923. (VIP) This article has been highlighted by ACS "Heart Cut".

    2. Xia, H.;* He, G.; Zhang, H.; Wen, T. B.; Sung, H. H. Y.; Williams, I. D.; Jia, G.* Osmabenzenes from the Reactions of HC≡CCH(OH)C≡CH with OsX2(PPh3)3 (X = Cl, Br). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004126, 6862–6863. This article has been highlighted by ACS "Chemical & Engineering News".

    1. He, G.; Xia, H.;* Jia, G. Progress in the Synthesis and Reactivity Studies of Metallabenzenes. Chin. Sci. Bull. 200449, 1543–1553.